Thu. Jul 25th, 2024

In April of this year YouTube had over 440 million visits, with over 78 million of those visits being unique. There is no question that if your are going to use video as a marketing tool, YouTube must be your number one destination for it. The traffic it receives each day alone will expose you and your business way more than you could imagine.

So as to break the ice for those who may not know yet about YouTube… it has become common knowledge that video marketing has taken off and is considered one of the best ways to promote “you inc” online. I would like to share with you my story and help you understand the importance of YouTube and how it can bring in those leads that every business owner needs.

My YouTube results.

As of this writing, I am getting an unbelievable 26.23% conversion rate from YouTube marketing. This conversion rate is worth bragging about and allows me the opportunity to share with you how you can get the same results, if not better.

Let me make this clear. You will not get conversion this high overnight. Conversion rates this large have to be earned and more importantly, you must play by the YouTube rules (look for next article). So, if you want to have YouTube presence. I suggest you sit back and take some notes. Higher conversion rates will appear for you sooner than you think.
YouTube dos

1) Keep videos under 5 minutes. Being a true YouTube fan, the videos that get my attention the most are the ones that are short and sweet and get to the point the quickest. Time is money in my book. If I am in need of information in a video format, I want answers yesterday. Don’t think I am alone on this. The Internet lends itself to short commitments. Meaning, many people want quick fixes. Don’t risk losing people with uninteresting, long drawn videos. Set up a script or an outline that will make it easier for your audience to get engaged. Most of all, just like article writing, your video should provide value.

2) Network with other YouTubers. Like a social networking site, it is important that you create a kick ass profile page and use it to promote yourself and your business. Spend an hour a day adding friends and subscribing to other YouTube channels. Stay within your niche and build relationships. Adding comments, leaving your name, brand and links will promote reciprocation and list building.

3) Attach proper keywords to video. Aside from having a good video, you must also place targeted keywords to your title, description and tags. Search engines do not read videos, you must write about what the video is. Specific keywords will expose your video, resulting in higher rankings. Overall result…more traffic.

4) Follow big hitters in your niche. What better way to learn than from copying from the best. Make sure you befriend and comment on all videos of those you respect in the industry. Attaching yourself with proven leaders will increase exposure for you. Study their videos/video description/keywords/tag words. This will help tremendously.

To receive a high conversion rate it will take a combination of videos that provide value and proper keyword placement. I assure you that this is not hard. Get over your camera fears and use this incredible free tool to feed your business with the leads it needs. youtube likes

By Admin

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